A Father’s Love

Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that he has lavished on us! He has called us and made us his very own beloved children.” – 1 John 3:1 tPt

In the quiet moments, she gazes into the bathroom mirror, a smile on her lips. Her heart swells with gratitude for the journey of self-love she’s embraced. Whispers escape with her smile, “Papa, thank You for the beauty of Your love.”

A Father’s love holds transformative power. In the presence of a healthy father, a little girl discovers a love that echoes through her life. This love becomes a lens through which she perceives herself. Unfazed by societal standards or others’ opinions, she learns to see herself through the tender eyes of her loving father.

Recently, my self-perception underwent a profound shift. No weight was lost, no makeup adorned my face, and no drastic changes altered my appearance. What changed was my acceptance of my Father’s love. His words of acceptance, love, and affirmation echoed in my heart, and I embraced them fully. No longer do I shy away or deny my true identity. Through the lens of my loving Papa, I see the unfiltered truth of who I am.

{Visual} A little girl around the age of five, with curly ponytails, and a pink checkered dress twirling freely.

As I pondered on this visual, a profound connection resonated with words of healing and restoration spoken by Papa a few years ago: ‘I am healing you from the abuse you suffered, and I will restore your innocence.’

Thank you, Papa, for your unwavering love. Through your love, my eyes have been opened, allowing me to love myself freely.

Originally written June 28, 2020 at 1:57 pm

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