Deconstructing Fear – Walking in Truth and Overcoming Deception
Starting my awakening journey was both empowering and frightening. I had been taught to fear deception, constantly on guard against being led astray. The notion that “even the very elect could be deceived” loomed over me, making me question if my path was right or if I was walking into a trap.
Trusting God’s Guidance over Fear
In 2015, Love whispered to me, assuring me that Truth would be revealed to me little by little, guiding me at a pace I could handle. Throughout this journey I am reminded that Love is more powerful than any fear, and I didn’t need to live in constant worry of being deceived. This journey has taught me to trust that Truth is greater than deception and that Love and Truth are stronger than any lies.
The Power of Community
Having a community of others on similar journeys has been invaluable. I’ve found strength in walking alongside others who are asking the same questions, validating my experiences, and challenging me to dig deeper. Together, we’ve been able to move past the fear of “getting it wrong” and step into the freedom of asking questions.
If you’re deconstructing beliefs rooted in fear, know that Love welcomes your questions. Love is not afraid of them, and Love delights in revealing truth in a way that brings freedom, not fear. You’re not alone, and there’s strength in embracing the journey one step at a time.
• Are there fears you hold in your faith journey—such as fear of “getting it wrong” or being deceived? Take some time to consider where these fears might stem from.
• How does it feel to think of God as Love, a guide who walks patiently with you, rather than a distant figure waiting for you to make a mistake?
• What questions have you been afraid to ask about your faith? Give yourself permission to ask those questions and trust that God, who is Love, welcomes them.