Patience & Presence: Trusting the Journey

Love whispered to my heart—patience and presence. You’ve found yourself running toward a vision, eager to build something beautiful that Love has placed inside of you. But what if the key isn’t in rushing to build, but in learning to rest and trust Love’s timing?

As a visionary, you can picture things that might be years or even decades away. It’s exciting! But remember, just because you can see it doesn’t mean you have to make it all happen right now in your own strength. Love is inviting you to live out your purpose daily by being present in each moment, trusting Love to guide the way.

Purpose in the Everyday

Love is showing you that purpose isn’t a destination. It’s not some grand achievement you’re waiting for. Purpose is woven into who you are, right now. Every day, there are opportunities for you to show up as your authentic self, living from the heart Love has given you. The vision Love has for you will naturally unfold as you walk heart to heart with Love.

A Reminder to Rest

Love is reminding me: you don’t have to strive. The plans and purposes I have for you will flow from a place of rest. In that stillness, Beloved, you’ll find the clarity, peace, and strength to move forward in the right timing. There’s no need to carry the weight of trying to do it all at once.

Lay down any burdens of rushing or striving. Trust that you’ll know the timing because Love has equipped you with an inner compass. You haven’t missed it, and you won’t. Love is with you every step of the way.

Embrace the Journey

Beloved, embrace this season with Patience and Presence. Be present to the opportunities to love and serve in your everyday life, knowing that Love is unfolding its plans in perfect timing. Rest in the assurance that you cannot fail when you’re trusting Love to lead.

You are called to create from a place of rest, not striving. And in that place of rest, you will see the vision manifest in Love’s timing, as Love leads.

Reflection Questions:

1. What does “purpose” mean to you in this season of life?

2. Are there areas where you feel the pressure to rush? How can you lean into rest and trust?

3. How can you be more present to the beauty and purpose of your everyday moments?

4. In what ways has Love reminded you to release striving and embrace patience?

5. What small step can you take today to trust the journey Love has you on?

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