Encountering Love: Unique, Personal, Without Agenda

As a parent, I’ve come to understand that my love for each of my children is unique. I don’t love one more than another; rather, I love each according to who they were created to be. This insight led me to a deeper reflection: If my love for my children is unique, how much more personal and intentional is Love’s relationship with us?

Yet, we often assume Love must interact with everyone in the same way. But the truth is, Love meets us where we are, speaking in a language designed for our hearts to understand. Ten people can encounter Love and walk away with ten beautifully different experiences, each shaped by who they are. And yet, we sometimes struggle when someone’s experience doesn’t mirror our own. What seems unusual to one person may be Love’s intimate way of speaking to another.

We try to fit Love into our logic, our rules, and our understanding. But the One who spoke light into the void, who shaped the vast universe with a word, cannot be confined to human limitations. Love moves beyond our perceptions, beyond the walls of our experiences and traditions. Love transcends every bias and boundary we’ve built.

Our role is not to preach or convert—it is simply to love. To love without an agenda. To love without the need to control an outcome. But truly loving others requires us to release hidden motives. Too often, we feel an unspoken pressure to “save” people, to pull them into alignment with our beliefs, or to measure whether our love is making an impact. Yet, Love never operates from obligation. Love simply is. Love meets people right where they are, in ways that only Love can.

And when we live in Light & Love, our lives speak louder than words. Authentic love doesn’t need to convince—it simply shines, and in that radiance, hearts are stirred. When we share from a pure and open heart, Light & Love resonate deeply, awakening something within others. It’s not about persuasion; it’s about reflection. When people witness genuine love, they begin to crave that same depth, that same freedom. Authenticity calls forth authenticity, and those who encounter it often feel drawn to explore their own journey with new intention.

We can’t give away what we haven’t received. We cannot release the fullness of Love until we’ve encountered it for ourselves—not as a system of beliefs, not as a set of rituals, but as Love itself. I hear the invitation: Will you come close enough to know Me as Love? Will we allow ourselves to rest in Love’s presence, to be transformed by it, and to release it freely?

When Jesus said, “They will know you by your love,” He was calling us into a love that gives life, restores identity, and reveals truth. The world is weary of words that divide, of messages that diminish worth, of voices that impose false identities. But Love speaks in a way that reminds us who we are—made in Love’s image, reflections of Love itself. There isn’t a soul that doesn’t carry this essence.

So, may we release our judgments and open our hearts. May we stop projecting our understanding onto others and trust that Love will reveal itself in ways only Love can. And as we lean into this truth, may we become true reflections of Love—sincere, unshaken, and without agenda.

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